How long would it take to get to Uranus?

How long would it take to get to Uranus? Until now, only one spacecraft, the Voyager 2, has been launched to Uranus, and it took it precisely nine and half years to get there.

Due to the planets being in constant orbit and therefore changing locations all the time, it would be difficult to state a specific duration of time that it would take to reach Uranus. Moreover, the figure also depends on the route taken and the position at which the spaceship is launched.

Since only one spacecraft has actually gone to Uranus, scientists have used that data combined with all the other variations to conclude that it would take a decade, if not more.

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What color is Uranus?

Uranus is, as researchers say, the most misunderstood planet because it appears so unpleasingly on the telescope. (pale blue from a distance.)

Uranus' atmosphere consists of methane gas which absorbs all the red light resulting in the planet appearing blue.

Is there life on Uranus?

Since Uranus is predominantly composed of gas, it lacks a real atmosphere. Moreover, Uranus's temperature is the lowest in the solar system, significantly lower than any other planet. Due to its great distance from the sun, it receives so little light and heat that the gas it is composed of is most likely ice.

How far away are other planets?

For comparison purposes and better judgment of the distance of Uranus from the Earth, let us look at how long it would take to reach other planets.

The journey from Earth to Mars is just seven months long, a pretty short trip compared to the ten years spent going to Uranus. Not only that, the trip to the Moon takes only three days.