Best beginner telescope for adults

Best beginner telescope for adults - Few things compare to standing outside under a clear night, looking up, and marvelling at a seemingly endless array of stars above. So we gathered a few telescopes and decided that the Celestron NexStar 5SE is the finest best beginner telescope for adults after thoroughly reviewing them. It collects enough light to allow you to see the best aspects of the solar system and provides enough power to start exploring deep-sky objects. In addition, this model comes with an electronic GPS database packed with about 40,000 celestial objects. It can also scan the skies for you after you calibrate it.

Celestron - NexStar 5SE

best beginner telescope for adults
best telescope for viewing planets and galaxies price

The NexStar 5SE is a Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, which uses a combination lenses and mirrors in a reasonably compact body. It is our overall recommendation for the best beginner telescope for adults. It contains a primary 5-inch mirror with enough light-gathering ability to produce crisp photos of some of the best things in our solar system, such as Saturn's rings and Jupiter's cloud bands. It has enough power to expose you to deep-sky objects.

This telescope is controlled by a handheld controller and runs on a completely computerized system. Instead of struggling through the growth curve of studying star charts and manually aligning the telescope, you can simply click a button to align and concentrate your telescope on a variety of celestial objects. Unlike some of the NexStar 5SE's competitors, this controller performed admirably in our tests, allowing for tiny changes and fast tracking with the controller system installed. The NexStar 5SE weighs 15 pounds, making it quite portable compared to other options. You should have no trouble throwing it into a trunk and fixing things up on location.


  • Magnificent telescope
  • High-resolution pictures
  • There are 40,000 celestial objects
  • Easy to set up


  • Costly

Celestron Astro Fi 102 - Best beginner telescope for adults

best telescope for viewing planets and galaxies price

If you're used to using digital electronics, Celestron's Astro Fi is a fantastic telescope that provides you extra features for your money. It's a cutting-edge telescope with excellent support for anyone who wants to try their hand at sky watching.

The Astro Fi is a wonderful bit of kit for the price, containing everything novices need for amazing tours of the sky at night, featuring eyepieces of 10 mm and 25 mm, a smartphone adapter to experiment in rudimentary astrophotography, and a red dot detector. Furthermore, the whole construction is of high quality, particularly considering the strong metal tripod.

The Astro Fi 102's optics allow for clear viewing of the moon and easy identification of the planets. The four-inch aperture, in our experience, provides excellent sights of Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn, as well as magnificent vistas of our moon's craggy, chalky landscape. Beginners will be wowed by the Astro Fi 102's capabilities. The Messier 31 is likewise a beautiful sight, with its disk visible when magnification is increased.

Starter telescope for adults

The SkyAlign system for easy alignment is one of the Astro Fi 102's most appealing features. Before beginning your observations, you must align your instrument since it indicates your direction in relation to the night sky. With this data, the Astro Fi 102 can slew to your preferred target with the push of a button.

In this case, the button is your smartphone: skywatchers simply need to install the Celestron SkyPortal application, which is pretty easy in our experience, and select three bright stars to help with the alignment operation. The brilliance of this telescope is that you don't need to know much about the night sky to appreciate it, but it may help you learn how to navigate it.

If you're not sure what to look at on your first night, the Celestron SkyPortal application can help you out. This is a fantastic feature for novices.


  • Assembling does not necessitate the use of any tools
    • Can be controlled with a smartphone or tablet
    • Targets are suggested by a database


  • Requires the use of an app to function

Best beginner telescope for adults - Conclusion

If you take very good care of your telescope, it will last you for many years. Depending on the sort of telescope you have, dust or moisture can accumulate on the mirror or lens. Brushing the lens or mirror gently with a smooth-hair brush is the conventional method of cleaning it. Such brushes may be found at camera stores; their gentle bristles will cause the least amount of harm while cleaning the optical unit. Alternatively, you can spray the covering with compressed air to eliminate any remaining dust particles. You can use an optical-cleaning product to remove debris from your optical unit if it has to be deep cleaned. Replace all lens covers once you've finished using your telescope to reduce the need to wipe it.

Having said that, the best beginner telescope for adults is the one you use mostly in the field. Small amounts of dirt will unavoidably collect on the telescope mirrors and lens. You can accumulate a significant amount of dust and dirt with minimal influence on your visual experience.